Guild Profile

Owner BadBoys

Guild Master Gefest
Job Whitesmith
Level 300 / 120

Info about BadBoys

Guild level 50 Current experience 1,300,670,802,539 Total Players 76
Experience to the next level 0 Average level 298


Guild Members

Name Job Level
PostoronnyMVP Gunslinger 300 / 120
Lipa OWNERPOWERED Gunslinger 300 / 120
Sliva Gunslinger 300 / 120
MVPshka Gunslinger 300 / 120
MAKS 888 Gunslinger 300 / 120
Слива Lord Knight 300 / 120
Matriarch High Priest 300 / 120
MVP666 High Wizard 300 / 120
Triss Merigold High Wizard 300 / 120
P o s t o r o n n Y High Wizard 300 / 120
JustDoDoit High Wizard 299 / 120
Happiness High Wizard 300 / 120
Capitan Flint High Wizard 300 / 120
Barbaris High Wizard 300 / 120
Sl1va High Wizard 300 / 120
Gefest Whitesmith 300 / 120
JustDoIt Sniper 300 / 120
MAKS777 Sniper 300 / 120
moon Paladin 300 / 120
Ascendant Paladin 300 / 120
GRIMM Paladin 300 / 120
Skillpal Paladin 300 / 120
Thanatos Champion 300 / 120
This is Lipa Champion 300 / 120
Cлива Champion 300 / 120
Lipa OWNED Professor 300 / 120
Lipa Nameless Stalker 300 / 120
PostoronnyGL Stalker 300 / 120
Eboboshka Stalker 300 / 120
Blabla Stalker 282 / 120
FeelRo Stalker 300 / 120
Unlucky Stalker 300 / 120
Full Protect Creator 300 / 120
Cineris Creator 300 / 120
FPshka Creator 300 / 120
MAKS 666 Clown 300 / 120
Halfmoon Star Gladiator 300 / 120
Esmeralda Soul Linker 300 / 120
Eboboshik Soul Linker 300 / 120
ebana Soul Linker 254 / 120
Слuва Summoner 300 / 120
Барсик Summoner 300 / 120