List NPCs

Found a total of 3250 record(s) across 163 page(s). Displaying result(s) 2201-2220.

NPC name Image Map Coordinates Is Shop ▼
Young Man odin_tem01 130,134
HiddenHugel odin_tem01 111,144
Kurupe hugel 56,104
Burupu hu_fild06 217,270
Burupu's Instructions hugel 72,101
Booboo the Cow hugel 68,99
Sign hugel 91,152
Alex hu_in01 19,161
Laura hu_in01 14,11
Julian hu_in01 18,167
Ashe hu_in01 16,21
Ashe hu_in01 16,20
Entrance hu_in01 174,90
Laura hu_in01 159,84
Alex hu_in01 158,84
Ashe hu_in01 162,85
Ashe hu_in01 171,90
Julian hu_in01 155,82
Hit moc_fild12 160,372
Ashe moc_fild12 160,365
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