Vending Items Of [wwwL]

[BG Point] BG12

market, 80, 111

ID Name Refine Slots Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 3 Slot 4 Price Amount
677 Platinum Coin None None None None 10 z 24
20897 Bloody Branch Box 100 None None None None 1 z 45
7777 Cash Points 1000 None None None None 1 z 32
20197 Feel Box None None None None 1 z 71
20385 Battle Badges Box 100 None None None None 1 z 24
7438 Fragment of Hatred None None None None 1 z 37
7437 Fragment of Sorrow None None None None 2 z 9
7436 Fragment of Agony None None None None 2 z 7
7427 Yellow Charm Stone None None None None 15 z 1
7426 Red Charm Stone None None None None 15 z 2
4570 Flamel Card None None None None 30 z 1
4573 Trentini Card None None None None 10 z 1