Viewing Item (Louyang Travel Brochure)

#7532: Louyang Travel Brochure

ID 7532
[Louyang Travel Brochure]
Louyang is a spiritual country, where the warrior spirit and clear thinking are highly prized.
While visiting the city, make sure to see:
1. Such wondrous sites such as the Statue of the Man and the Tiger, that may inspire you to do your best.
2. The Hospital, where the Louyang healers practice their art. There, your body will be cured by a system of body manipulations and diet.
3. The beautiful Palace that is protected by the Great Wall of Louyang. It is truly a sight to behold for every visitor.
4. The Tower where people practice there lungs by shouting from it. Something to relax after a hard day of martial arts and spirit training.
For sale No
Identified Travel_Brochure_03 Cost Not for sale
Name Louyang Travel Brochure Type Etc
Buy 0 Weight 0
Sell 0 Level 0
Range 0 Defense 0
Slots 0 Refineable No
Attack 0 Min level No
Max level No
Position No
Equippen on No
Job No
Sex Both (Male and Female)
Trade restriction Can't be dropped / Can't be traded with player / Can't be sold to NPC / Can't be put in Cart / Can't be put in Storage / Can't be put in Guild Storage

Louyang Travel Brochure can buy

This item cannot be purchased in the game.